Spam Response

Our platform simplifies the user experience, resulting in a more complete data set. Instead of reporting each message individually, consumers can easily report an entire conversation. We accurate capture spammers' sender numbers the first time -- no replying back with additional information is needed.  Having this additional context upfront improves insight into the structure of a spam campaign to facilitate timely identification and takedown.
The best way to understand what a subscriber views as unwanted messaging is to ask them. Not only do consumer complaints help you pinpoint when an opt-out process is broken, our what problematic messaging is eluding filters, but they also help your own product and marketing teams identify when your messaging is ineffective.  Collecting and taking action on the problems that are impacting your customers ensures that messaging remains a valuable and trusted channel for consumer engagement.
Spam Response helps you better identify when your customers are receiving unwanted messages and what those messages contain. Our platform simplifies the process for detailed reporting, creating an increasingly rich data set that puts your customers at the forefront of fighting threat actors directly from their device.