Ready Made


Know your data. See your insights. Transform your business. The business solution that meets you where you are, so you can get where you want to be. Built for any professional to succeed,

iDashboards personally works with your needs to transform what data means to your business. Employees to enterprise-wide, start gaining real-time value for what matters most.

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Easy Invoicing - The Invoicing software targeting small to mid-range firms. It deals with all aspects of day to day activity such as:

Purchase Order
Inventory Tracking
Payment Tracking
Vendor Management
Customer Management
Pending Invoices & AmountsIdeation
Efficient Reports Module

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Car Rental SystemA very simple Car Rental System which is designed to aid the car rental company to enable renting of cars through an online system. It helps the users to search for available cars view profile and book the cars for the time period etc.A whole new way to organize your car rental company.

Company/Branches Information
Staff/ Customer Information
Cars Information
Rent/ Returning a Car
MultiBranch Return Support
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Document Management SystemeDocs is crucial for every organization, whether government or non-government  and must be entirely managed from creation, to classification, to circulation, to archiving, until authorized disposition.
With the ability to process and manage documents electronically, your Organization is guaranteed to eliminate costly paper while increasing productivity and efficiency in the workplace.
More importantly, your organization will be able to access documents anytime, keep track of document versions, and store them in one centralized system, eliminating the need to search through physical filing cabinets or vaults.

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Laundry System

Laundry Management is the most complete Laundry/dry-cleaning management software with all functionality and ease of use,  it is a very competitive product on the market today through our out of the box approach. The Laundry system includes the following features:


Shop/Branch/ Employee Information
Staff/ Laundry Services
Reports (Clothes)
Rate Matrix
Job Orders

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Restaurant System

Contactless Restaurant Management System

State of the art restaurant management with the following features:
Point of Sale
Supply chain/ Contracts/ Recipe Management/div>
Reservations/ Dine-in
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Point of Sale

Sales Invoice
Product List
Windows Based

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