Cloud infrastructure

Cloud Infrastructure

Infrastructure Cloud computing Cloud computing uses a remote server for storing, managing, and processing data over the internet instead of on premises. It comprises the use of various cloud services including servers, storage, database, networking, software and more over the internet. It offers numerous advantages to banks and financial institutions such as secure storage, interoperability, and 24*7 up time without heavy investments. Cloud technology also enables businesses with immense computing power to scale and enhance their offerings to meet user demand.

Quick and Easy Set Up
Businesses can get their cloud set up within few hours. FD can very easily configure while you can manage the set up remotely with just an internet connection. Any businesses which need to provide 24/7 access to their customers, can go global in Minutes with FD Cloud.

Today, businesses need to be quicker and more dynamic to be productive. Being agile enables businesses to take quicker decisions and appropriately prioritize the work and ensure customer satisfaction. With FD Cloud, businesses get simplified internal operations, better delivery and, faster rollouts of new business initiatives.

High Flexibility without investing on Redundancy
Businesses no longer need to buy additional hardware, storage, and software to prepare them for failure. With the FD Cloud, you can get the data mirrored on the FD multiple locations – freeing up yourself from worrying about data backup or excess costs.

Highly Cost Efficient
FD offers an extremely flexible pricing structure for its cloud. This helps businesses, to tightly control their costs by paying for the infrastructure as per their needs. Businesses can run their web applications without committing to a fixed cost for servers, software, setup or maintenance.

No Maintenance at Customer’s end
FD provides mental relief to its customers by taking over the responsibility for the maintenance and upgrading of the hardware, software, and networks in the cloud. Businesses, therefore, only need to focus on their revenue growth and do not worry about keeping their infrastructure up-to-date or worry about aspects like security and upgrades.

Maximum Uptime and Zero Risk Failure
FD guarantees 99.95% uptime and no risk of failure. Since the overall cloud system interconnects several servers, in case of failure of any particular server, the other server takes over the workload automatically – ensuring a smooth and continuous performance for business critical applications.

Provides increase security of a dedicated single-tenant environment which includes compute, storage and network.

Virtual Machines on-demand
Our VMs efficiently perform tasks such as running applications and programs like a separate computer

Business Productivity
Our Cloud allows you to focus on your core business, instead of provisioning and maintaining the resources.

Deployments and Services
FD provides cloud computing in environments (Public, Private and hybrid) and services (Infrastructure as a service, Platform as a service and software as a service).



Cloud Environments
While defining their cloud strategy, businesses can choose between a public cloud, a private cloud or a hybrid cloud. The choice depends on several factors such as the type of business application, costs involved, technical expertise, and other business requirements.

o Public Cloud
The cloud infrastructure is made available to the general public or a large industry group and is owned by an organization selling cloud services. With public cloud, multiple companies share the physical hardware. The multi-tenant environment provides cost efficiency by splitting the infrastructure costs across a number of users. Because of the cost advantages, CubeXS Public Cloud is ideal for small and medium sized businesses. Usually, web applications which have unpredictable traffic can leverage public cloud very well.

o Private Cloud The cloud infrastructure is operated solely for a single organization. It may be managed by the organization or by a third party. FD Virtual Private Cloud is designed to provide you with a dedicated set of IT resources & infrastructure in your own single-tenant environment. Our virtual private data center is built upon an industry leading cloud platform. 

o Hybrid Cloud
The cloud infrastructure is a composition of two or more clouds that remain unique entities FD Hybrid Cloud provides a computing environment that uses a mix of private cloud and public cloud services with composition between the two platforms. By allowing workloads to move between private and public clouds as computing needs and costs change,

FD Hybrid Cloud gives businesses greater flexibility and more data deployment options. It provides flexibility and scalability based on the system of shared resources without compromising on security, predictability and performance. FD securely connects to your on-premises data center and infrastructure hosted in the public cloud of your choice. It is ideal for disaster recovery planning, data backups and helps to reduce the costs of cloud-based web and productivity applications. It also provides added resiliency, hence reduces downtime, and helps optimize application design for the cloud.

Cloud Services


What is IaaS? Infrastructure as a Service Definition


o Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
It offers access to a resource pool of fundamental computing infrastructure, such as compute, network, or storage. IaaS are made of highly scalable and automated compute resources. IaaS is fully self-service for accessing and monitoring computers, networking, storage, and other services. IaaS allows businesses to purchase resources on-demand and as-needed instead of having to buy hardware outright.

IaaS offers many advantages, including:

• The most flexible cloud computing model
• Easy to automate deployment of storage, networking, servers, and processing power
• Clients retain complete control of their infrastructure
• Highly scalable
• Resources are available as a service
• Cost varies depending on consumption
• Multiple users on a single piece of hardware

o Platform as a Service (PaaS)
PaaS is a category of cloud computing services that provides a platform allowing customers to develop, run, and manage applications without the complexity of building and maintaining the infrastructure typically associated with developing and launching an app. All servers, storage, and networking can be managed by the cloud or a third-party provider while the developers can maintain management of the applications.

PaaS offers many advantages, including:

• Simple, cost-effective development and deployment of apps
• Scalable
• Highly available
• Developers can customize apps without the headache of maintaining the software
• Significant reduction in the amount of coding needed
• Automation of business policy
• Builds on virtualization technology, so resources can easily be scaled up or down as your business changes
• Provides a variety of services to assist with the development, testing, and deployment of apps
• Accessible to numerous users via the same development application

o Software as a Service (SaaS)
It is a full application that’s managed and hosted by the provider. Consumers access it with a web browser, mobile app, or a lightweight client app. Due to its web delivery model, SaaS eliminates the need to have IT staff download and install applications on each individual computer. With SaaS, vendors manage all potential technical issues, such as data, middleware, servers, and storage, resulting in streamlined maintenance and support for the business.

SaaS offers many advantages, including:
• Accessible over the internet
• Users not responsible for hardware or software updates
• SaaS provides numerous advantages to employees and companies by greatly reducing the time and money spent on tedious tasks such as installing, managing, and upgrading software. This frees up plenty of time for technical staff to spend on more pressing matters and issues within the organization.